Transition Sitka Meeting
The members of Transition Sitka meet most weeks of the year to work on projects and plan for a fossil-fuel free future. Contact us to receive an invitation to our zoom meeting
The members of Transition Sitka meet most weeks of the year to work on projects and plan for a fossil-fuel free future. Contact us to receive an invitation to our zoom meeting
The CBS Sustainability Commissioners meet at least once a month to discuss and take public input on actions being taken to meet goals approved by the Assembly. Currently this includes a community renewable energy strategy, reducing municipal solid waste and creating a plan for a municipal fleet transition. All welcome and agendas/meeting packets are available...
Are you interested in being a part of Alaska’s energy transition? Or perhaps thinking about a career in electrical and construction trades or engineering? Come along to find out more about renewable energy technology and the opportunities to be a part of a renewable energy future.
Drop in to explore the results of the 2024 Sitka Food Security Survey and help us shape the Final Report for the Community Food Assessment. Dinner will be served and attendees will have the chance to win prizes!
Project updates and planning are the subject of our meetings which occur every week. Yes, you heard that correctly. Email for an invite to our zoom meeting.
Join us for discussion of the many transition projects that are in progress right now!
Join us at the Harbor Mountain Brewery for Transition Sitka's Annual General Meeting. Come along to find out more about Transition Sitka and meet the team, play games and eat pizza!
Get together with other community members via zoom to make 5 calls in 5 minutes to our representatives! Email for more information and to receive the zoom link for this weekly call to action!
Transition Sitka meets regularly to discuss projects and issues via zoom. Use our contact email to request an invite! We welcome community members with ideas and energy to help Sitka thrive in a carbon neutral future. Special guests this week will be talking about 'scrubber' technologies used by large ships.
Living on a remote island takes skills and knowledge that aren't always ready to hand. Transition Sitka's 2025 expo event brings together local experience and expertise in energy and food security to help everyone thrive! The expo features information tables, presentations, and panel discussions. Entry is free!