Transition Towns

Transition towns are looking to the future in a different way.

What is a transition town?

Transition Town Totnes and the Transition Towns movement gets its name from efforts initially made in the town of Totnes located in the United Kingdom.  Educator Rob Hopkins and a group of local citizens organized around the awareness of how they lived and organized in their community would have to change in a world of energy descent. 

A word from the transition network…

“Transition is a movement that has been growing since 2005. Community-led Transition groups are working for a low-carbon, socially just future with resilient communities, more active participation in society, and caring culture focused on supporting each other.  Their approach is based in the Transition Principles.  

In practice, they are using participatory methods to imagine the changes we need, setting up renewable energy projects, re-localising food systems, and creating community and green spaces.  They are nurturing the Inner Transition of the cultural and mindset changes that support social and environmental change.  They are sparking entrepreneurship, working with municipalities, building community connection and care, repairing and re-skilling.  Find out more about the characteristics of Transition.    

The community level of scale has huge potential to influence change and is a crucial part of developing and guiding social and economic systems toward sustainability, social justice and equity. There is an increasing recognition that top-down approaches are not sufficient alone to affect change and need to be combined with community-level responses.  

It’s an approach that has spread now to over 48 countries, in thousands of groups: in towns, villages, cities, Universities, schools.  Around the world, there are 23 Transition Hubs that support and connect Transition groups in their country/region and connect internationally.”

See more about the Transition Network at: