Vision, Mission & Values
Our community and our love for this place are great strengths. All we need to do is use them.
Transition Sitka will foster greater energy efficiency and self reliance, reduce waste and end dependence on fossil fuels.
TrANSITION SITKA Mission statement
Transition Sitka has formed from our need to start working on several important challenges. The end of cheap oil (peak oil), the need to reduce greenhouse gases (methane, carbon dioxide and several others), and our sense that we are outstripping the world’s ability supply everyone’s needs. There is no doubt that our future holds a lot less energy from fossil fuels and now is the time to make our transition to a more self-reliant and sustainable way of life.
Our vision, mission and values reflect our decision to come together and work on addressing the challenges. They remind us that our resources are limited but our community and our love for this place are great strengths. All we need to do is use them.